Pre-application form – Independent study abroad students

This form is only required for students who would like to study abroad on an independent basis without being nominated by a partner university.
Independent non-degree students can only apply / study at the following faculties:
  • Faculty of Economics and Business
  • Faculty of Law

This form is not meant for Erasmus plus and Global exchange.

Refer to the admission and application website for details of the application procedures for all programmes and students.

Personal details

Select the prefix of the surname (optional)
Select gender
Calendar Date of birth
Select nationality
*Email address

Current education

Select the country in which you are currently studying
Select the institution at which you are currently studying
Select bachelor or master

Proposed Mobility period

Select bachelor or master
Select faculty from list
Select academic year
Select fall or spring
Select 1 or 2 semester(s)
Select activity

Search Criteria

Search Fields
Look up Value
Look up Value
Calendar Value